24 October 2007

oh, brother

My brother turns thirty-nine today.

I guess since he's somewhere on the other side of the globe, his birthday began many hours ago. I just finished typing out a brief birthday message to him, although I can't be assured that it even got there. I've had problems with e-mails getting to him before when he's stationed on the submarine.

I didn't really say anything of particular note. In fact it was downright generic. Unfortunately the same can be said for our relationship, which has skirted on non-existent many times over the years. He's got his military and his God and his children and his box office hits whereas I've got my occasional unemployment and my doubt and my childfree and my independent films. I suppose its commonplace for family members to have only genetic matter fusing them together after awhile, but it doesn't keep me from wanting more.

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