08 July 2012

over cooked.

a song that makes you hungry

Hunger Strike

That old standby expression reads too many cooks will spoil the broth.

Soup is simple, though. All of the heart of it comes from being able to see what compliments what and to which degree. It's like creating a party guest list. It's not really cooking at all, but event planning. It's waiting for intuition to be either proven right or horribly wrong. There's no middle ground.

That's what work has become. There are too many cooks in the place. There is she who cooks with too much vinegar and little ol' me who uses a lot of secret ingredients.

Know Your Chicken

Respect comes at a hard price. It ages like a good wine. You can't force it. And you certainly can't make people distribute it in your direction.
  • I have known far too many know-it-alls in my time.
  • I have run across far too many folks with superiority complexes shoved so eloquently up their assholes, they can barely pinch out a smile without spitting vile.
  • I have known from condescension, overactive judgment.
  • I have found people with heavy-handed disregard, who could truly care less what others think, so long as gratitude and glowing praise continues to be bestowed upon them as they take credit for other's efforts.
  • I have come across hypocrites, dying to secretly exploit in one area while wearing the mask of a saint.
Unfortunately the caricature that should come about from the totality of these descriptions is the new chef to my sous at my place of business. To that I remand myself the better cook.

So I am caught in the quandary. Should I let the rice burn or help make it right, keeping clear conscience and maintaining earshot of my ethical core? Do I let her die, or let myself bleed, so to speak?

Hungry Eyes

So, what does this have to do with musical appetizers?

Life and food link fingers at every turn. As a baby we discover our need for sustenance, which comes not just in a bottle or from a tit, but from connection, safety, comfort, and care. We continue to seek out the things that ensure we thrive. We have to listen for those moments when our soul growls for more of those things that fuel it, that drive it forward. And we must also listen out for when our soul begins to hurl.

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