09 March 2012

static. eclecticism.

As attributed to Albert Einstein insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. We've all been there. It's learning to walk. It's going to the DMV. It's waking up the next day, still trapped in a dead relationship. It's the spin cycle of our existence.

I know we've all played for the hamster home team a time or two, sprinting along that möbius strip to nowhere. The secret is to trace your path around the edge, find your exit to the wild and undercharted, and wave your adieus to Jareth on your way out. If life were literally a game, a requirement for continued play simply must be to continue attaining higher and higher levels.

Screw the mansion, forget the stocks, forgo birthing the same plastic color-coded children, and instead suck the umami straight from the marrow of life and write your own guidebook. If variety is the spice of life as seems to be the word on the street, then I'll take a full rack. Everything we do should be a little bit better, a little bit different, and more seasoned than the last.


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