15 January 2012

apples. oranges.

Today is the last day to submit a play for the 2012-2013 season at the local theatre I have contributed to for the last six years. The selection committee in all their glory will be reading plays and over-involved submission questionnaires between now and March to come up with next year's playlist. My name will not be among them.

I contemplated this at length, and realize that the behind the scenes horror that raped the last play into memorable obsolescence has left me with far higher expectations for those I wish to depend on while trying to undertake the challenging works for which I have become known.

Although I still have a list of plays that I would like to present in the dark, intimacy of a stage like that, whether they be squirm-inducing thinkers or my twist on more conventional titles, I don't think it's worth it when confronted with large children with their petty jealousies, sturdy egos, and narrow minds like the brood running the place these days.


1 comment:

  1. *sigh*

    This blog was so beautiful to read - I realized I hadn't stopped by in a while, and what a joy! Photos, quotes, meaningful words...so many of them!

    Thank you for a lovely morning read.
