20 November 2011

π challenge.

(11.11.11, said I) - I am considering committing to another blog challenge. Many others have attempted to undertake a post a day for a 365 day period. I tried two 30 day challenges earlier in the year. I still have a few remaining ideas from bursting those at the seams. As November 10th is the 314th day of the year, and has a bit of multi-layered significance to me, I am leaning toward challenging myself to a 314 photo effort.

The main reason anyone ever undertakes something such as write a novel in a month, or take a picture a day for a year, or drink eight glasses of water each day is to create a verifiable commitment with more likely results. Vague ideas like wanting to write more or exercise more are certifiably the worst ways to ever do something.

So, here goes:

314 posts with 314 photos.
And since I know I can't possibly post every single day,
I'll give myself 365 days to accomplish this.

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