01 March 2011

plot points

I have often pondered the action-reaction principle and the manner in which this sort of thing flows with the amorphousness of life. The moments that have the lasting impact are not always the moments one expects, at least that's my philosophy. One of my, as yet, unfinished writing projects that is dearest to my heart began as a screenplay idea nearly ten years ago.

The kernel of which was this figurative crying baby that kept me up that first night and many since. It has always felt like a bit of an overwhelming opus that I would write measures for periodically over time. So much of it revolves around lofty concepts with interwoven characters. Everything about my vision of it has steadily shifted over time as life has imitated art and vice-versa. The main beats are the key turning points that would forever alter the characters existence. They are at times seemingly insignificant and at other instances dramatically overblown. Mostly it's about how each of these moments could have endless arrays of outcomes and it is within these outcomes that significance lies, which brings me back to the subject at hand.

Picture some of the moments that have changed my life. What DVD chapters have I encountered so far? I think about birth, death, firsts, lasts, beginnings, and endings. It's the meat in the center that means the most, but it always comes down to these lines of demarcation.

Finality is often just a formality, however, and new beginnings are often in motion long before we realize change is coming. For me, this is why life can have so many water-related analogies.

The way I see it, I could probably come up with a dozen significant events in my life that created what was to come up to this point. That might be an interesting exercise, but I don't know what value it would have since a couple months down the road that list could change. What I find is your concept of where you are plays a huge role in determining how you think you got there.

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