04 March 2011

bound less

I drink coffee every morning. I rarely think about the process of it. When you do something so often it becomes rote. Even the thought of changing up the measurements to make a different amount can be done by eyeballing. This creates a consistency and familiar flavor that makes every cup taste equally as good as the one before it, and more contingent on the quality of the coffee than the expected subtle variation from day to day.

The worst cups of coffee are often those full of mucky grounds. These are those rare cups wherein the process becomes faulty. The beauty behind something as simple as using a coffeemaker is that the filter lets only the good stuff through and leaves behind the unnecessary bits.

It's important to have divisions in life. Boundaries. Unfortunately in the wake of a storm like divorce, the levees don't always hold up and all relationships within their tide can become weakened and murky.

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