08 June 2006

territorial pissings

previously published by me elsewhere:

We have stumbled through our trouble-filled production since the middle of March by shooting footage exclusively on weekends. Due to any number of circumstances, the least of which is the fact that we've been shooting this thing since the middle of March, we had our first evening shoot tonight.

There's always something off-putting about attempting to squeeze in a little bit of movie-making over the course of a three hour span. Full day weekend shoots are something everyone seems to look forward to, whereas the weeknights feel more like an inconvenience.

It becomes glaringly obvious that none of us are free from other responsibilities on the outside of what we are all so damn passionate about. Giving up most of our precious few hours to unloading and reloading equipment, waiting for the actors to come out of make-up, and the like, makes for an anti-climactic experience.

The focus is completely different, and the energy level is very low. There's something invigorating about spending every waking hour on the set, allowing the day to go through waves of inspiration, exhaustion, and finally delirium. True genius and creativity seems to thrive in this sort of space.

So, we spent our brief, rather uninteresting shoot in the men's room of the engineering building on campus. A public facility of this sort presents many drawbacks, the least of which is sound quality, which will be one of the first warnings out of an audiophile's mouth. It's a public restroom, and therefore not the best place to cozy up to a nearby wall, even if it keeps you from getting in a shot chock full of mirror.

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