Our language is full of it:
- when life hands you lemons, make lemonade
- every cloud has a silver lining
- look on the bright side
- everything happens for a reason
On an idiom level, they are the equivalent of Cher slapping Nicolas Cage in Moonstruck, telling him to snap out of it. If facebook is any gauge, I have a lot of Debbie Downer friends, who like to turn the spotlight toward themselves to reveal the depths of their sadness, misfortune, and ineptitude. Some of them seem to take solace in the pity and ego stroking of those they call friends. Most of the time what they could really use is a swift kick in the proverbial keister.
Every now and then we can all use our fair share of snapouttovit.
If we plant a garden full of worry, tears, and sorrow, what do we expect to have sprout?
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