a song that you know all the words to
It was all good, fine fun before when I couldn't figure out what song I only know the chorus to, because with all of the music I listen to no one could keep up with every lyric to every tune to all of the songs I have just discovered, know vaguely, know well, and know incorrectly. There are a lot of songs that fit that characteristic. I would suspect that there are a whole lot of tunes that fit the new parameter as well. Some I know because I took the time to learn them, some I know because overtime I have overheard them, and others are just so freakin' obvious and repetitive that a baby could use them as their first sentence.
I just don't know if all of the words is a topic I want to delve into today. Not sure if I want to inspire responses such as yay, look at you, knowing all of the words to It's the End of the World as We Know it or some lesser gem. With as much time as I have spent doing and attending karaoke nights, I have heard a ton of generally bastardized versions of that R.E.M. hit, Total Eclipse of the Heart, Baby Got Back, a bevy of Beatles, anything Queen, and a ton of other songs to which people surprisingly know only the chorus much less the beat. I guess one classic that evokes a lot for me that a lot of people waste away a quality six minutes on, stumbling through seemingly unfamiliar verse after verse that I could do in my sleep is that old Eagles stand-by, Hotel California.
..such a lovely place.