12 September 2010

beetle mania

Last night while I was working behind the car rental counter, I was in the midst of checking a customer’s vehicle back into the system, I caught a glimpse of something dark in my peripheral somewhere along this place's nasty carpeting. A quick glance back down and I noticed it to be some sort of insect. A cockroach, probably. Doesn’t it just figure in such a squalid and psychologically bereft place as this?

I took a second glance while finishing up with the customer and I saw the thing make a sharp turn in my direction. It now seemed to be hauling ass. It was then that I realized it wasn't some roach, but one of those cool looking black horned beetles. And it seemed to have trekked ten feet in ten seconds flat. Soon enough it was making its way across the toe of my shoe. It seemed so drawn to me. A part of me wanted to draw attention to this incident to my customer, but truth be told most people would be quick to suggest ‘squashing the damn thing’ rather than see significance in these type moments.

Once I was inclined to ask a customer where they were from, because I saw they were born literally a day before my mom. I thought perhaps a happenstance was at hand. Who the hell knows because this man seemed more irritated that I asked than much else?

Sure, some people just like to use the device for its main utility without having any insight into how it works. I don't want to miss the nuance. It's like eating pistachios. The simple process of removing the shells to get to the good stuff is part of the enjoyment. I say, life is better with the shell.

So, as soon as my counter cleared I pulled out my cellphone and googled 'beetle symbolism' and discovered many references to rebirth and the like. As I approach the last day on the job at the airport, I do feel like I am breaking out of a shell, moving from this metaphoric purgatory on to the next … phase.


  1. awe-some.

    I believe you were chosen by the beetle, my friend.

    And take comfort, because the offspring of that beetle are about to be happily munching away at the Airport's grass, and making it look like shit.

    A final "fuck you" from the insect world.

  2. I like this post, and commend you for not squashing the beetle. I myself personally, cannot squish beetles even if I wanted to because I don't like the crunch sound/feel. But if I had been in your spot I probably would have screamed and ran away from it, climbing onto counters to try to escape it. Hahaha. But that is pretty nifty how the beetle chose you and how it wasn't a gross one like a cockroach. :) I got chosen by a moth at my old job. That was pretty neato, too. :)
