19 July 2007

flight patterns

previously published by me elsewhere:

Like something lifted directly from some hackneyed, non-invasive, mainstream stand-up comedy routine of the mid-eighties, Friday saw the wife and I standing in line at the airport. Yes, that old standby punch line for when housewives and the family pet are already booked elsewhere sneaks its way into my writing.

We were slowly shuffled through like some perverse beef cattle ride into Disney, stripped down to our socks and bare feet, shaken empty of loose change, gum wrappers, and other shiny objects that might entice us to do evil. What other place would your shoes come off and all of your private pocket possessions be placed into a plastic bin for close examination? Oh, yeah, probably prison. Thank you Homeland Security!

On the other side of the X-ray machine and personal parcel conveyer belt everything seems such a blur. The sedative begins to take effect, and we're left stumbling about aimlessly like an infant who's just learned to walk, in awe of big crowds and shiny things, roaming about with a minimal sense of direction. It's as if you come to the airport and unlearn all of the knowledge and common sense you possess outside those walls.

We give up absolute control and offer our trust to these strangers in form-fitting fashion faux-pas, hoping they won't drop us out of the sky once we're picked up and pray we'll be brought our snack and blanky before we get too cranky.

What a strange, infantile, semi-humiliating experience to pay money for.

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